Show a Card

Shows the full card information including card number, expiry and CVV.
Show a Card
 last updated: 
November 30, 2023

To stay in PCI compliance, you need to tokenize the card to show the full card information including card number, expiry and CVV. We have partnered with VGS to bring this functionality to you.

There are two steps involved in showing the full card information:
Step 1: Create a Show Token
Step 2: Show a Card

Step 1: Create a Show Token


  1. POST /v1/card/:id/showtoken


  1. {
  2.     "id": "crd-7b7df7c0-2adf-46f2-8110-15c903030267",
  3.     "showToken": "card-show-test-66449e66-14b5-4f9e-838c-74807268db09"
  4. }

Step 2: Show a Card

To show a card, you will need to implement the VGS show sample code in your client. The sample code is available in our public repositories on GitHub:

- Web apps: vgs-show-web

- iOS apps: vgs-show-ios

- Android apps: vgs-show-android

- VGS Show React Native & Flutter:

Org and Vault IDs

The VGS org and vault ID's are required for implementing the sample code, and you will find these in the Solid Dashboard > Developer > API key screen.