The Business object

The Business object's attributes, fields, and types
The Business object
 last updated: 
December 21, 2023
Field Type Optional Description
id string read only unique id of the business created
legalName string legal name of the business (max 100 chars)
entityType enum entity type of the business with possible values:
- soleProprietor
- singleMemberLLC
- limitedLiabilityCompany
- generalPartnership
- unlistedCorporation
- publiclyTradedCorporation
- association
- nonProfit
- governmentOrganization
- revocableTrust
- irrevocableTrust
- estate
- limitedPartnership
- limitedLiabilityPartnership
dba string yes doing business as (max 100 chars)
email string yes email of the business (maxx 100 chars)
idType enum type of the business identity used with possible values:
- ein
- ssn
- otherId
idNumber string yes tax identification number of the business for the idType (required for KYB)
Note: idNumber must be unique, as in, you cannot use the same idNumber for two different businesses, 9 to 50 chars
phone string yes phone number of the business (E.164, max 16 chars, starts with +)
formationDate string date business was formed (YYYY-MM-DD)
website string yes website of the business (max 100 chars)
about string yes more about the business (max 500 chars)
industry enum yes industry the business belongs to. List of possible values. Select any while testing.
naicsCode string required NAICS Codes are used to classify businesses into specific industries See List NAICS codes for user selection
disclosureStatus enum status of the business disclosures such as ownership with possible values:
- notStarted
- pending
- completed
address object see The Address sub-object
kyb object see The KYB sub-object
programId string id of the program associated to the business
status enum status of the business
- active
- inactive (use to temporarily freeze)
- dormant
- deactivated (use to permanently block)
createdAt string time at which the business object was created
modifiedAt string time at which the business object was modified