The Intrabank sub-object

Part of the Contact Object, the Intrabank sub-object contains the account number or account ID of a linked account that also resides on the Solid platform.
The Intrabank sub-object
 last updated: 
November 30, 2023

When creating an intrabank contact, you can pass either the accountId or accountNumber to link the account.

Field Type Description
accountNumber string account number of the intrabank contact
accountId string account ID of the intrabank contact

Note that contacts have the three possible types in  the Contact Object: others, selfAch, and selfIntrabank.

If the user is linking intrabank accounts owned by the same entity, this is referred to as a selfIntrabank contact.

In this situation, they should create a separate contact for the selfIntrabank link using only the intrabank sub-object.

If users try to include a self-owned intrabank account when creating a standard others contact, they receive an error such as "EC_CONTACT_INVALID_SELF_INTRABANK_REQUEST" and "Invalid self intrabank request". They should remove the intrabank sub-object and create a separate contact for the selfIntrabank link.