The Receive object

The Receive object's fields, types, and descriptions
The Receive object
 last updated: 
November 30, 2023
Field Type Optional Description
id string unique id of the transfer
accountId string unique id of the bank account associated with the transfer
contactId string unique id of the bank account associated with the transfer
name string name of the contact, either full name of person or legal name of business
accountNumber string account number of the contact
routingNumber string Yes routing number of the contact
address string Yes address of the contact
amount decimal amount of the transfer (eg. 0.00)
status enum status of the transfer with possible values:
- completed
- pending
- declined
- settled
- approved
- waitingForFiles
description string description of the transfer
txnType enum transaction type of the transfer with possible values:
- credit
- debit
transferType enum transfer type with possible values:
- intraBank
- ach
- card
- physicalCheck
- domesticWire
transferSubType enum transfer sub type with possible values:
- originated
- received
- auth
- authUpdate
- reversal
- refund
- interest
- fees
- penalty
- promotionalCredit
- accountCreationCredit
accountType string type of the account
valid string if account is valid
parentTransferId string parent transfer id
reviewCode string see list of review codes
reviewMessage string description of reason for decline
type string type of the transfer
createdAt string time at which the transfer object was created
modifiedAt string time at which the transfer object was modified
transferredAt string time at which the money was transfered