The KYC sub-object

KYC Object's attributes, fields, types.
The KYC sub-object
 last updated: 
November 30, 2023
Field Type Optional Description
id string unique id of the person's KYC created
personId string unique id of the person
status enum person's KYC status with possible values:
- notStarted
- submitted
- approved
- declined
- inReview
reviewCode string see list of KYC In Review Codes
reviewMessage string message if KYC status results in a review
results object results of the KYC processes (idv, dateOfBirth, address, fraud, bank) with possible values:
- notStarted
- pending
- inReview
- approved
- declined
createdAt string time at which the KYC object was created
modifiedAt string time at which the KYC object was modified