The Transaction object

The Transaction object's fields, types, and descriptions
The Transaction object
 last updated: 
February 27, 2024
Field Type Description
id string unique id of the transaction
accountId string bank account id of the transaction
businessId string business id that the bank account belongs to
programId string program id that the bank account belongs to
personId string person id that the bank account belongs to
familyId string family id that the bank account belongs to
txnType enum transaction type of the transaction (credit, debit)
title string title of the transaction
amount num amount of the transaction
transferType enum account related transfer types:
- intrabank
- ach
- card
- domesticWire
- internationalWire
- debitCard
- solidCard
- physicalCheck

subType enum see the Transaction Subtype Matrix
description string description of the transaction
balance string balance in the bank account after the transaction
intrabank object see The Transaction Type sub-object
ach object see The Transaction Type sub-object
domesticWire object see The Transaction Type sub-object
physicalCheck object see Receive a Check API
solidCard object see Send a Card API
parentTxnId object id of the parent transaction, if any
parentTransferId object id of the parent transfer, if any
card object see The Card Transaction sub-object
enrichedData object see The Enriched Data Transaction sub-object
createdAt string time at which the transaction was created
modifiedAt string time at which the transaction was modified
txnDate string time at which the transaction took place
status string status code of the transaction response
reviewCode string see list of review codes
reviewMessage string description of reason for decline
initiatedByPersonName string name of the person who initiated
currency string currency of the transaction
fallbackTransferId string transfer ID of associated fallback transfer
fallbackTxnId string transaction ID of associated fallback transaction
dispute ojbect see The Dispute sub-object